Contact City Center Dental Clinic In Downtown Victoria
We are located on the second floor of The Sovereign Building. Our separate entrance is located on the far west side of the building at 608 Broughton Street. Please contact us to schedule an appointment. We look forward to seeing you.
One-hour free parking is available at all city parkades. Paid parking is also available at Broughton Square Parkade across the street, and at street level parking in front of the clinic.
City Center Dental Clinic
608 Broughton Street, Suite 200
Victoria, British Columbia
V8W 1C7
Phone : 250-361-4266
Fax : 250-361-4258
Email :
In Case of Emergency
If this is an after-hours emergency, please call our office at 250-361-4266 for the dentist on-call information.
Patient Forms
To provide you with the most efficient new patient experience:
Please call our office to email you the New Patient Form electronic link
OR -
Download the form below, complete these forms and bring them to your first appointment.
Contact Us
To schedule an appointment or to contact us please complete and submit the request form below, and we will contact you during our office hours.
Please call our office directly if you need to cancel/reschedule your appointment, or require immediate attention for emergency services.